API Reference

Search for an Individual

In order to screen a Person you should set the search_type to "individual".

A new search can be created by sending a POST request with search terms, parameters, and filters. The default result of a search will return the first 100 results from our database, if available. By using the offset and limit parameters, you can increase the result limit or retrieve more results through multiple searches.

Individual Screening Search Parameters

search_typeString (Required)The search type. Should be set to individual for a person search
nameString (Required)The name and surname of the individual
datasetsComma SeparatedSpecify which datasets will be searched
countriesComma SeparatedThe nationality or nationalities of the individual you are screening
thresholdInteger (0-100)Determines how closely the returned results must match the supplied name
dobYYYYThe Date of Birth of the individual you are searching for. Must be after 1900 and not in the future

The available datasets are:

PEPPolitically Exposed Persons Lists
SANSanctions Lists
RPEAdverse Media Lists
RELFitness Probity Lists
POIProfile of Interest
INSInsolvency RRE - Reputational Risk Exposure

Example Individual Search

In the following example a screening search for a Person

GET /screening - See Documentation for this call


?name=Donald Trump